"When the years are showing on my face, and my strongest days are gone...You'll still be the one I want...You'll still be the one I want...You'll still be the one I want."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do it for the least of these, do it for the least

 I don't believe any one person can single-handedly change the world. I honestly don't. I'm always hearing people say things like "you're gonna change the world," and I wonder what they mean. I mean, everything you do can "change the world" for better or for worse, if we're gonna get technical.  I guess you could say there are people in history that did change things, and their impact was seen to be long-lasting, but they didn't do it alone. I don't know. I've been really struggling with this whole 'change the world' stuff, maybe I just don't understand what it means as a saying, haha. For me, I just picture someone standing on a world platform and pressing some button and tada, you have change.

I read the story of Esther again tonight, and I asked God to give me something out of it that would maybe help someone else. And if you're like me, you'll feel like you're not quite doing enough. But think about Esther.  What was she doing when she got selected to be the queen? Umm... Nothing but being the faithful & obedient Jew to her uncle that God had called her to be. He hadn't called her to save a nation...yet. 

I believe we can all change something about OUR worlds, but not one of us is going to stand up on a world platform and change everything. That's not even what we're called to do, we're called to make disciples of the nations, but the last person I remember that did really change the path of the souls of mankind was Jesus, and even He had disciples. His spirit is the one who moves through all of us, the Holy Spirit changes souls, not us. He can use us, though, but lemme just tell ya, this sixteen-year-old girl is not the answer to humanity's cry for a savior. It's funny just thinking about it- the fate of the world being on the shoulders of someone who can barely remember what to do at a four-way stop and how to parallel park. hahaha. Yepp, mankind would be in deep trouble.

As I was praying tonight, I saw the faces of so many people in my life that needed to experience the love of Christ as I've seen it.

I've been thinking a lot lately that I'm not doing enough, that not enough African children are being touched by my work, or not enough people in jail cells are hearing about a freedom beyond the physical because of me, and I see now that God hasn't called me to do that... yet. God has called us all to our own little mission fields and, until we're done at places like high school, for example, we're not going to places like AFRICA.

I guess to be faithful with the little I am given can just mean praying for that kid in math class that has no friends. Or actually doing something about that kid I see crying in the hallway every other day. They may not be hungry like the African child I want to feed, but they have a pain and a deeper hunger that only Jesus can alleviate. We can pray for opportunities and boldness to seize them. I have a deep passion for places, specifically Africa (I'm not just saying that), but I see now that you can't just jump from your ABCs to writing a full-on essay in life or with God and, honestly, some of the people here are more broken than an African child will ever be, even without the privileges we have. It's because the SOUL is more important than anything, and a lost soul is a lost soul. I'll leave you with two things tonight:

1) You could be changing your world. Maybe not THE world, but your world, certainly...and that would be more than enough.

2) Jesus promised
           the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'

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