"When the years are showing on my face, and my strongest days are gone...You'll still be the one I want...You'll still be the one I want...You'll still be the one I want."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I don't have much time to write today, seeing as I want to pray before I go to bed on this somewhat (actually, very) stressful yet blessed Wednesday evening. However, I didn't want to go to bed without putting this one question out...

How insane would it be if we all had a true revelation that the GOD of everything is on our side. Imagine how many more things we'd try and how many less things we'd fear.

Just think about that.
I know that I would be a lot less stressed about a lot of things if I wholeheartedly believed that God was for me.

Well, anyway. I pray that, tonight, as we all continue on our spiritual walks and missions, we would remember the words of Isaiah 41:10

"So do not fear, for I am with you; 
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Whole Life is Yours, I Give it All, Surrender to Your Name.

     Sometimes, I don't even know what I'm supposed to write, I just know I need to write...
And this is one of those times. I hate writing without a point. You know? It's just like walking around outside with nowhere to go...but you just kind of start walking. And sometimes that's okay because you need the fresh air. I guess that's what I'm feeling. 

     These days, I feel like I have to push to get anything I want. I mean, anything at all. It's not as though I can remember a time in my life where I've recieved everything I've wanted with incredible ease, but I can't seem to have anything I want nowadays without a struggle. I mean, in the past, I used to work moderately hard for some things and exceptionally hard for a few, far-gone things and then sometimes I'd get lucky and things would be handed to me, just like any normal person. 

But, now... Not so much. 

Maybe this is me whining, and maybe this is me just noticing what's going on in my life, but I just feel like now, if I want it, I have to put up a good fight to get it. 

And life's just become hard like that. 

I don't know how to describe it... I'm completely fine. Everything (praise God) is good. School's alright, church is fine, friends are good, family's doing well...Yet. Everything is so dang hard at the same time. 
I don't know...

This blog post is filled with as many 'I don't know's' as my life is at the moment. 

I don't remember if I blogged about this or just talked to a lot of you guys about this, but, last year, I asked God to make me hard worker. It just seems like now I don't even have the option not to be.

It makes me laugh because I've talked a lot in my blog posts about how God tells me anything easy isn't going to be worth it... so maybe everything that's going on in my life right now is just set up to be so worth it in the future that I have to work hard for it. Maybe none of it is easy because all of it is worth it. When I say worth it, I mean the kind of worth it like when you stay up an entire night doing an assignment only to realize you would have never gotten the grade you did had you not put in all that extra effort.  

And maybe that's just where my life's at. Again, I don't know. This is just me kind of giving my mind a breath of fresh air and a chance to "walk around outside" in a sense that I need to organize my thoughts, walking around nowhere. Or maybe that's just it. 

I've noticed that carries over to my spirtitual life too. I could just sit here and be fine with God like I am now, just like everything's just fine...Or I can work. I can press in more, push harder and look harder to discover more of a beautiful God that I've barely touched the surface of. 

Because my God, even more so than my calling and my future, is just that big. 

I have to work now because when you get comfortable in your spiritual life is when you're probably not growing the most. In the words of Brooke Fraser, "the uncomfortable circumstances of life give us opportunities to grow & become better people..." And I want to be better.  

I'm guess I'm just exhausted. My friend, Brook, texted me earlier today and said, "I feel like you need a vacation...And you're 17 -___-"

It made me laugh, but it also made me realize that he's right. I really don't want to try anymore. Maybe this is just the human side of me or maybe the lazy side of me (again, I don't know), but I feel like I'm not the person everyone sees as so put together and knows what she's doing at all anymore... and I don't even want to try anymore. 

Giving up sounds insanely pleasant right now. And I don't mean just taking a vacation like Brook said, I mean just not hoping for the same things anymore. Like settling for average or whatever it is that I was working so hard not to be. 

I'm tired like the fishermen were in Luke 5, where, after a long time of fishing with no catch, they started washing their nets only to find Jesus commanding them to

    "push out into deep water, and lower your nets for a catch." - Luke 5:4

I'm that kind of tired. I feel like I'm drowing with what I have to do, and right when I want to get out of the water, clean my net, and go home, Jesus wants to tell me to "push out into deep water."

But look at the result in verse 6. 

 The fishermen put their nets into the water. Their nets were filled with so many fish that they began to break

Go deeper. That's it. You're tired, you've been up all night... But there's a catch. You're not working to no end, you just have to press in a bit more. I'm doing this because I love you. I want to teach you, and I want you to find more of me.

 And maybe that's what God's telling me.

I feel like I'm playing to lose, but I'm grateful I even have the chance to wake up and work hard another day and for God's word that reminds me that I am more than a conqueror.

The only reason I won't quit? Because, I, like Brooke Fraser and William Booth, have given God all there is of Emnet, and I refuse to take it back.

I might be telling God I'm tired like the disciples did in verse 5 of that chapter, but I know His response isn't a response to let me quit. It's one of love that knows there's something bigger on the deep end. I just gotta go there in obedience. And I'm grateful I even get the chance to, because I don't deserve the grace of a future and calling as beautiful as God promises mine to be in Jeremiah 29:11.

So, friends, I'll leave you with this next quote in relation to your calling and just not giving up. I still miss you guys, and thanks if you're still reading these.

"Here ends another day, during which I have had eyes, ears, hands and the great world around me. Tomorrow begins another day. Why am I allowed two?” 
 G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Times Tootsie Pops and Starburst are Absolutely Called For

 Remember what I blogged last night about being in a winter-ish seaosn and how that can sometimes bring unexpected snow days? Guess what today brought....

Ohh, yeahh.

But it's not like I knew about it or anything when I was writing, I was in my new room... in my basement... so I couldn't even see what it looked like outside, my analogy just kinda came to life.

So that leads me to blog again and to remember God's grace. Ahh.

I feel like there's no need to worry about anything anymore. Like, anything.
When I let go and let God I get... well, snow days.

It's been hard feeling like the whole world is against me, or like someone is out to ruin all my plans (which someone is- the devil), but it's really nice to just truly understand what God means when He says,

"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." - Jeremiah 29:11 MSG.

You know how in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition it looks crazy when they knock the entire house down and then it looks amazing what they put up in its place? That's what I'm seeing God wants to do with our lives when we hand them to Him. And when we start screaming, "What do you think you're doing??" when we see He's completely tearing our houses down, He gives us Jeremiah 29:11 as a response- "I know what I'm doing. And, I'm God, so it's gonna be beautiful..."

These days I feel I'm set up to fail, like I'm just digging myself out of a hole or fighting a losing battle that I just go through the motions to fight, but God reminds me in Joshua 1:5 that it's just the opposite.

I'm giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on—just as I promised Moses... It's all yours. All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. In the same way I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I won't give up on you; I won't leave you.

For me that verse just says, "you're gonna win. All this stuff you're up against? It's gonna be all yours soon." 

So I'm going to obey Matthew 6:25 and just chill out. Let go and let God.

Ohhh. And sometimes just take all the candy that the snow day calls for - for the body and the soul (before you start your lovely homework). Have a beautiful, worry-free day, ya'll.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Lights Around Here Change Fast, Don't They?

          I think it's suffice to say that I haven't posted since August, and that was the last time I feel I've really had to gather all my thoughts and just somewhat organize everything that's been going on in my life. It's not like I'm really doing big things, I'm just moving forward from where I've been.

           Someone said it. "I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be."

           It's November, and God's teaching me that we're not meant to stay in August forever- to stay in what's been comfortable and what we've come to like. I'm one of those people that absolutely loves summer. I mean, I daydream of the summertime, and I celebrate its start every year. So I'm just going to use that as my example of the harvest season or whatever we Christians describe our spiritually high times as. My August is evidently over- there's snow on its way tomorrow morning, and I'm writing from my new bedroom, a completely different setting/atmosphere than what I'm used to writing in. The point is, though, that maybe winter isn't all bad.
          Since this past summer where God changed my life completely, I've somehow been thrown forward onto this path where I'm not sure where I'm going, I just can't stay where I've been... And that sometimes means leaving people behind.
           If I've talked to you lately about my struggles or the biggest things in life, you may have heard me use the terms 'lonely' or 'alone,' and it's because I've found myself wrestling with them on an almost daily basis for the past couple of months. I've been trying to describe this for a while, and I've been saying things like, "I may be lonely, but I'm never alone... I just feel alone." But I've come to find that maybe I actually am alone.
         When I say I feel alone, there has never been a day in my short, seventeen years of existence where I've truly believed that there was no one with me in an 'empty' room. That is, I have always known in the back of my mind the presence of the Almighty God would never escape me, and I'm a firm believer in the words of Matthew 28:20. . . But I am alone in the sense that no one around me really is seeking out the same things I am. No one cares about what I care about, and no one really feels what I feel when I step into a crowded hallway at school.
         I think it's all because maybe I'm truly becoming a misfit. I'm uncomfortable with a lot of my surroundings now, and I couldn't put my finger on it until I thought about why I was feelings so alone... because I am.

         But, you know what I've discovered? I've discovered that it's not original to wear an original costume on Halloween... You're still dressing up- like everyone else is on that day. That example of last night's holiday I think God brought to my mind to challenge me- to challenge me to really understand what it means to step out and seek what God wants for me in life, and sometimes that can mean feeling and actually being alone because, once you choose to pursue Jesus, you become radical... You step out of what the world is used to and knows, and you step into the unique person God has set you apart to become. Yeah, set you apart to become... not set you with everyone else to become.
       And then I guess you become a misfit, where the things around you just don't satisfy you, and you find that others just don't understand...
       And, through all this, I am thankful.  I am thankful because I know that God sees me. He sees that I want to want what He wants for me, and He knows that everyone is looking for someone to follow, so He wants to make me the type of person that will lead them to Him if they choose to follow me.
       That "follow me as I follow Christ" thing that Paul talked about? Yeah, it really is to be walked out.   I'm not gonna say this hasn't been messy, but I seriously see how strong God can be in my weakness. I'm becoming kinda OK with being out of my element at the moment because winter can mean unexpected snow days at school, and, in the words of Francis Chan,
       "If life were stable, I'd never need God's help. Since it's not, I reach out for Him regularly. I am thankful for the unknowns and that I don't have control, because it makes me run to God."

       Not only this, but in my most dire moments I guess you could call them, God has sent me verses like Joshua 1:5 to remind me that He's with me all the and way, and we are more than conquerors in Christ. That, yeah, we're alone because we're misfits, and we're misfits because we're alone, but God whispers, "I will never leave you nor forsake you, missy. Ever." I added that 'ever' in... Just as a reminder. For me.

       And, thanks to Steve Jobs and Pastor Chris Durso for relating it back to Christianity in his messages, we have this quote that shows us the road we're traveling is the narrow but rewarding. So I'll leave you with this:

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo.  You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."      

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's time to start stepping into your own.

If you're like me, you get in deep, meditative moods sometimes. I'm in one of those right now. Usually, when I enter into that kind of mood, I seek out some Brooke Fraser. And now, I just feel like writing. So that's what I'll do.

I never realized how intense this summer would be. I thought I would blog a lot more than I have, and I that's okay. I mean, I wish the date on the calendar read July 8th instead of August the 8th, but something inside of me is just so okay with this summer being over...and not because it hasn't been amazing. I'm going to miss it a lot, especially with being the summer-fanatic I naturally already am.

God's shown me so much favor these past few months, but it's been about more than that. It's like this summer has been all of my heart's desires wrapped up into one prayer, and God just responded, "Yes, you can have it all."

I'm sorry for my lame way of explaining that...

Words just can't describe it. And it's not to say that all the little things I've asked God for were given to me, it's just that I feel God literally reached down and answered something I've asked Him about since I was just a little kid.

Going back to Brooke Fraser. I've written about her song, "Arithmetic," and how it was my favorite song in another one of my blog posts. I love this song, and if anything could encapsulate what's in my heart, that would be it. I don't have it on my ipod or anything because I'm afraid of over-playing it and making it lose its meaning, so I don't get to hear it often. Well. It's like things have come into full circle now because (I know I'm not that old), but there's a part where she goes, "When the years are showing on my face, and my strongest days are gone...you'll still be the one I want..."

And that's where I'm at. What I wanted ten years ago in my life *crack a you're-so-young joke right here if you want* is still what I want today, and His name is Jesus. My faith has been tested, and I know I still want God. I know He's still what I live for, and that makes me want to step into my own. It's like the words of 1 Timothy 4:12 where Paul writes "do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but, set an example..." are coming to life for me. I'm at the point where it's time to take ownership of my faith, be the example because there's no one left to copy...and, as hard as it is sometimes, I'm doing it because HE is the one I want. I can finally get up and do things people don't agree with because I know He's the one at the beginning of it, and He's the one at the end of it. Bottom line.

I set the example because, like Pastor Nate said, it's a "follow me as I follow Christ" type thing.

I do things bc of Him.

 This may or may not get deleted because I'm half- asleep right now and may think differently about this post in the morning, but I love you guys. I can't believe I'm so tired so early on a summer night though!

Well. Bye, now.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This Title Will Not Contain Hillsong Lyrics...

... because I'm going to be talking about them right now.
There's a song,  called "Like an Avalanche," that I'm sure almost every Hillsong-loving, Christian has fallen in love with. I can say a lot about the song, like how a friend told me they fell asleep to it because they listened to it so many times after coming home from a conference where we played it during prayer. Or I can talk about how beautiful whoever sings lead in it sounds. It's a good song, it really is. But there's a part in the song where she goes, "Jesus, how I adore you."
And that's the part of the song that gets me. Everything good, eveything I hope to be, and everything I love... That's in Jesus. I adore him. And when you finally tell someone you love a lot that you adore them, it comes from the most honest place inside of you. It moves you.

That's how I feel about a lot of the surrender that's happening in my life. I feel like I know how hard everything is becoming, but I know exactly why I'm doing it. Because I adore Jesus. I adore Him, and I want to become more like Him. And that's a process. But at least I know why I'm going through it. 

Because I adore Him.

Jesus, how I adore you. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

This is Why we Work Hard and Continue to Struggle

I find that some of my best blog posts come out of being broken.

I've been trying to write a blog post for a while, I've even included the lyrics to "Like An Avalanche" by Hillsong in some of my attempts, but it's just not cranking out. So, here is my late-night attempt at encapsulating all my feelings and sharing them with you. To start, I'm pretty darn scared right now. And I know I shouldn't be, but a lot of change is coming my way. It's like, as my seasons change, God gives me more to handle. He gives me more responsibility...so I suppose He trusts me with more.

I'm not so much scared of failing, I'm more scared of how much harder I'm going to have to work to accomplish what's been given to me. It's more.

I see myself a little like Esther. Not that I'm saving a nation or anything, but it's just like, maybe all this stuff is happening now for a reason... for such a time as this... For this season in my life. For this point in whoever I might encounter's life. Maybe God's preparing me to be my own answer to my own, "use me" prayer.

I can hear God tell me about how He wants me to approach what's to come in my life... with Him in mind. He's telling me to remind myself of the 'why' of things. I know the absolutely incredible, Leah, somewhat touched on this in her blog (I can never stop talking about how amazing Leah's blog is... go follow it), and I'm finding I'm learning something really similar, if not the same as her. I'm learning more and more that I have to re-evaluate the reason I am doing things.

I was having one of those off days on Wednesday, one where everything was making me really upset and blah...blah...blah. To add to that, I was running late to my guitar lesson. And. It's kind of pointless to be really late to a music lesson because, for the most part, they don't last that long. At least, the ones I take don't. So when you show up 15 minutes late to a 30-minute lesson, it's just kinda dumb. I was thinking about how annoyed I was and how annoying it was that I was even late and how mad I was at everything in life anyway and how stressed out I was and all my negativity, when the song "You Deserve" came on.

Let me just tell you, I was about to start bawling my eyes out at that stoplight. I was completely convicted by the words of the bridge, where it's like, "I can't imagine a life without You, without You, cuz it's all for You, God!" And they're all just yelling it to God at that one part of the song.

And God reminded me right there, before I even got to the music school. I just felt God go, "What are you even doing music for? What are you doing any of life for?" And I remembered why. I'm not trying to go learn music just so I can go learn music... cuz it's all for Him.

I love it, but it's not the point. I love my life, but even that's not the point. I'm not taking a thirty-five minute drive to a Christian music school just to take a thirty-five minute drive to a Christian music school. I live for God, and everything I do has to be in an effort to lift Him up. He is the point. Whether I'm falling down or walking upright, He's the reason I get up or keep walking. I learn music so I can play, but for His glory and His kingdom... To fulfill a calling I know He has placed on me, not one I've given myself.

And that's what my mentality has to be towards everything.

Why do I suck it up when people mistreat me for no reason? God. Why do I go to school? God. Why do I bother praying or staying up late when I'm exhausted to read my Bible? God. Why do I even try to build relationships with the people around me? To spread the love of God.

There's no other point but Jesus.

...this line scripture caught my eye today.

1 Timothy 4:10

"...This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers."

So that's why I move. That's why I breathe...
That's why I'm writing right now, and that's why I got out of bed this morning...

God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers.

p.s. . . speaking of Hillsong, their CD comes out in four days...on my wonderful friend, Sydney's birthday! Go, buy it...and follow her blog!

...and, speaking of change, my bff, Teri, who has a lovely fashion blog, took the picture I now have as a new background on here...you should follow her blog! She knows her stuff and loves Jesus a ton...

They're both amazing people!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lord of Lords

         Hello, people. How have you all been doing? I've missed reading all of your blogs and writing blogs and getting all bloggerish. As you may (or probably may not) have noticed, I haven't written one of my own blogs in a while. It's become hard for me, it really has, to write a new blog post, and trust me, I've definitely tried. If you had access to my account at this moment and clicked on the little 'edit posts' button, you'd see all the failed attempts at blogging I've had, and the reason for this is because I'm having trouble being transparent. Not that I was incredibly transparent before, but I was at least honest with this thing. I've noticed that I'm starting to build walls, and this isn't a very good thing. I'm careful what I say and who I say it to, and I don't necessarily trust that I won't be judged. This is part of the reason I haven't written anything in so long. This is how the process normally goes: I will have something on my heart I want to blog about, and then I'll sit there and think things like "Really? Does anyone want to read this?" or "You talk about this too much. No one cares." So, until God & I figure this fear of judgement thing out (all freaking over again), I'm just going to have to find different ways of filling up this blogspot page.
       I do have something I found kind of interesting in light of what I've most recently blogged about (on Easter, I think), and I thought you might find it to be kind of funny to see how God's been working in my life. I wrote this a little over a year ago, probably before I met most of you, and certainly during a hard time in my life (the absolute hardest). I wrote it in a journal I have almost never touched since, and I  never meant for anyone to read it. But, in everything, Christ. So, if my finding helps or encourages you in any way, I will dare to be at least this vulnerable and transparent before you. If not...oh, well.
       Here it goes, pretty much word for word:

       "With God, He doesn't give me what I expect because when I put expectations on something, and they are met, it doesn't go above and beyond. I'm finding that God has a way of never giving me what I expect. Now, of course, His promises always stand, but when I expect things of God, He will flip everything around. And, sometimes, I just don't know what He's doing. Now that I think about it, maybe He's just saying, "Hey, you wanna to get blessed, but I wanna bless you abundantly."
        And maybe that's where pain comes in. Maybe where I plan my next step is not as far as He wants to take me. I plan my sorrows only as limited as my mind is, but He plans my restoration and life so big and beautifully that it's gonna take a lot of breaking to get there...No eye has seen... no ear has heard. And I feel like I'm his work. So, so what? It means that the more it hurts, the more He's chipping away. And the more confused I am, the more HE is working out His wise plan. Beyond what I can imagine.
      And that's what I love about God.
      I never get what I want, and it's beautiful. Because, maybe if I'm not getting what I want, maybe HE is getting what HE wants. And since I pray His will be done in my life, I am essentially getting what I want... My soul's deepest desire.
      I love God because He can see past today. He knows why sometimes I feel silence, and a faint whisper isn't even near. He knows why, sometimes, I lose my mind, and why I can't stand NOT to be annoyed by His voice of what is right. He deals with my flesh and waits for me patiently. He keeps HIS laws and promises, but He breaks Himself for me.
      He holds tomorrow, and He keeps me a part of it. I love my God because He is all these things. And, even though I can't "feel" Him at the moment, I hear Him loud and clear. Or maybe it's just a whisper.   But He's here. He. Is. Here...
And I'm off my roller coaster...
      All I have left to write is that a.) I wish some of my blog posts were shorter b.) I can totally say I've overcome that time and seen the fruit of that season 10x over, and c.) It was a bit choppy at times, and kind of hard for even me to read, but I honestly didn't intend for anyone to ever read that, so you can bet I didn't plan on posting this page of my journal on the World Wide Web for all to see. But I think that sometimes that's what it takes, that kind of transparency. I pray I get it back.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

AHHHH! Behold, inspiration.


        It would be appropriate that days after I got to witness the great Brooke Fraser in concert, I find an article she wrote for a Christian teen magazine where she once worked. An article I had been looking for for MORE THAN A YEAR...#sweet!

        I've drawn a lot of meaning and inspiration from it myself, seeing as it was coming from an all-time favorite, and I just thought it was so amazing I would copy & paste the article for you guys (I love you all).  I think the original website it came from might not have the existing page anymore or something like that...?

          So, go ahead, don't be afraid, be inspired ;)


"I love Christ, I love people, I love stories and I love words, so you can imagine what a treat it was for me to talk to people across the globe, hear how God had changed and used their lives and then get to write about it for young’uns like you and me. I interviewed everyone from African missionaries, to eating disorder counselors, to ‘big name’ Christian music artists.
Little did I know, that less than a year later, I would be the one fielding questions from the press as the songs I’d written in my bedroom hit #1 in mainstream radio; one after another. Since then, my life has moved at quite a speed. Hamish, the guy at Soul Purpose (who has written much of this issue), jokes about how it was weird saying goodbye to me, see me move to Auckland, then reappear, plastered on the back of stagecoach buses all over Wellington.
If you’ve read any of the articles or interviews about me, you can get a reasonable idea of me, Brooke, the music girl. I’ve been asked most questions any musician gets asked in the media, but to be honest, I got bored pretty quick of enquiries about my ex-All Black dad (he played before I was born… I don’t remember and I don’t understand the first thing about sport), my love life (to which I wanna reply with 1 Cor 7:34: “An unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.”), and probably the most simplistic and worst question ever, “Paris or Nicole?”
So this is my deal. I grew up opposite the Naenae-Epuni train line in Lower Hutt, Wellington, in the house my family owned in the middle of a block of state housing. Its residents were the typical Kiwi melting pot of Maori, Polynesians, Europeans and most-ofthe- above mixes like myself and my brothers, as well as refugees from various countries throughout the Middle East and Africa. It wasn’t an affluent neighborhood, nor was it a boring one! I still recall with fondness those occasions when the Armed Offenders Squad would knock on our door in the middle of the night asking us to stay away from the windows for the next couple of hours and assuring us there was no need for alarm. My brother and I would peek through the curtains as shadowy, armed figures crept on their bellies across our lawn and crouched in our tree houses preparing to carry out drug raids on the neighbours. Ah, those were the days.
Yes, my dad played for the All Blacks, but it was before I was born and before rugby was a professional sport in NZ – we weren’t rich. If we were, we wouldn’t have been living in Oxford Terrace, Naenae. I had a pretty regular childhood, with a rad mum who taught me to love reading and thinking and laughing, and (as far as I was concerned) a regular dad who drove trucks for a living and did radio interviews on weekends and got stopped in the street a lot when we went out. But my family has the same dysfunctions and brokenness as any other and, consequently, I’ve never had any illusions that fame was something that improved your life or made you whole. I guess it always seemed more of an inconvenience than anything.
I only say this because a lot of people seem to think that if you’re a musician you want to be a celebrity. But most musicians in the world aren’t celebrities, and pretty much everything about the concept of ‘celebrity’ is a complete load of bollocks anyhow. I reckon that’s one of the reasons God placed me in the family He did, so that He wouldn’t need to kick that lie out of me later. (The lie being that once you’re a ‘celebrity’, you’ve made it in life and suddenly you’re more important than other people.) Oh, puh-lease. My friend Mia often says that if being in the public eye isn’t about influence, it’s about insecurity. I agree with her to an extent. If you want to reach a lot of people for their good, great! But if you want to be in front of a lot of people because that will make you feel good about yourself, l-a-m-e!
I always knew that I wanted to write and play music, but kinda sensed that there was something much more significant that my life was for and didn’t know what that meant. I felt unsettled and displaced not just in the world but in my own life; in my own skin. I didn’t know what was wrong or how to fix it. And the more I tried to achieve my way to feeling okay or worthy, the more I tried to fix myself; the more I began to believe I wasn’t worth fixing. I ended up in a pretty bad way and pretty much thought the world would be better off without me.
Then Jesus introduced Himself to me. Though my birth certificate reads 1983, I reckon I was born in 1999, when I met Jesus – not in a church or on a camp or through people, but alone in my bedroom with an open Bible and a tangible revelation that the Son of God was not only real, but alive and awesome and stronger than the chains that bound me. I realised He was acutely familiar with everything about me and inside of me and that, rather than responding to this with repulsion, as I would have expected, His response to me was (and, indeed, had only ever been) love and an invitation to love Him back.
You see, I don’t consider that my life began until I met Christ and I won’t consider it welllived unless I use it to one end: to know Christ and to make Him known. He is the best of me; my purity, my joy, my peace, my strength, my compassion. When I’ve been afraid, He’s been my protector. When I’ve been ashamed, He’s been the lifter of my head. When I’ve felt alone, He’s laid beside me. When all the safe things or safe people in my life have crumbled, He’s been my Rock. When I’ve not known what to do, His word has been my instructor. When I’ve been in the desert places and unable to ‘feel’ Him or understand what the heck He’s doing with me, it’s been His Holy Spirit that has worked in me “to will and act according to His purpose” (Phil 2:13) and choose to praise Him; thank Him, bless Him, obey Him, seek Him, love Him and live for Him.
While He is all these things (Comforter, Teacher, Protector, Friend), I use ‘He’s been’ because they are all things that I know (have personally experienced) of God. As you know Jesus more and more, you cannot help but love Him more and more. He is totally wonderful. I walk around confident because I’m a woman loved wholly, ferociously, passionately and intimately by the living God. My identity is in this relationship. Not in how well I can sing or how many albums I’ve sold, not in whether people are applauding or criticising, and not in my past or my screw-ups.
Derek Prince once said, “The hardest test we are ever likely to face, and the one we are least likely to pass, is success.” God allowed many tests in my life before He saw fit to send that particular test my way, and I hope that, in His eyes, I’ve been faithful. And it’s only the beginning…kinda scary! Jesus said, “Don’t think I’ve come to make life cozy…If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you’ll find both yourself and me.” (Matt 10:34-39). There is much thick and thin to come for us young people. Let’s be a generation who truly abandon ourselves to Christ, who are all about loving Him and making His praise glorious and getting as many people in on this incredible freedom as we can.
I think our lives should be like icebergs. The great things that people might see above the surface should only be the smallest reflection of a relationship and life of devotion that goes much deeper. Jesus talked a lot about not making a show of our obedience; our praying, our giving. He said not to be like the hypocrites who love to pray where everyone can see them, one squinty eye open to see who is watching them and being impressed. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (6:6)
My most powerful moments of ministry have not been, and will not be, on the stage. They’ve been sitting, knee to knee, in a darkened church side room with a 12 year old girl whose father has abandoned her for his new family. They’ve been on an international flight next to a Brit rocker, who, intrigued by a hymn album I had in my CD wallet, asked if I was religious. I replied, “No, I’m not religious, but I’m really into Jesus,” prompting him to put down what he was doing and asking me to talk to him about that. They’ve been crying with a producer in the dressing room of an Australian television network studio as God overwhelmed us both with His love for her. They’ve been singing “Shout to the Lord” to a group of orphans on the side of the road in Rwanda. They’ve been kneeling in prayer with a single mother out the back of a pub in the Waikato after a show, broken glass digging into our knees.
No, I’m not a musician because I want to be famous. Music is my tool, not my goal. I will not love my art more than I love my Lord. I want to fear God more than I fear man. By the grace of God I desire to live “a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.” (Phillipians 1). The music industry is my job, but primarily it’s my mission field. I write songs because I love to, but I mainly write songs because I can’t not. There is a fire in my belly and a word in my mouth that I didn’t put there, therefore I can’t takeit away, no matter how much it hurts sometimes. God’s Word says that His gifts and call are irrevocable.
One of my heroes is William Booth, a radical soul winner and lover of Jesus; friend to the poor and founder of the Salvation Army. His son Bramwell once asked him how he’d persevered through decades of extreme trials and setbacks, and William answered by describing how he’d knelt in a Nottingham chapel at the age of 15 and vowed “that God should have all there was to have of William Booth”. Later his daughter Eva was to comment, “That wasn’t really his secret — his secret was that he never took it back.”
I too, have invited God to have all there is to have of Brooke Fraser. And I’m not taking it back."

She is. so. cool.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Healer, You have known me as I was.

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, He is rescues those whose Spirits are crushed.

Man, what a God.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do it for the least of these, do it for the least

 I don't believe any one person can single-handedly change the world. I honestly don't. I'm always hearing people say things like "you're gonna change the world," and I wonder what they mean. I mean, everything you do can "change the world" for better or for worse, if we're gonna get technical.  I guess you could say there are people in history that did change things, and their impact was seen to be long-lasting, but they didn't do it alone. I don't know. I've been really struggling with this whole 'change the world' stuff, maybe I just don't understand what it means as a saying, haha. For me, I just picture someone standing on a world platform and pressing some button and tada, you have change.

I read the story of Esther again tonight, and I asked God to give me something out of it that would maybe help someone else. And if you're like me, you'll feel like you're not quite doing enough. But think about Esther.  What was she doing when she got selected to be the queen? Umm... Nothing but being the faithful & obedient Jew to her uncle that God had called her to be. He hadn't called her to save a nation...yet. 

I believe we can all change something about OUR worlds, but not one of us is going to stand up on a world platform and change everything. That's not even what we're called to do, we're called to make disciples of the nations, but the last person I remember that did really change the path of the souls of mankind was Jesus, and even He had disciples. His spirit is the one who moves through all of us, the Holy Spirit changes souls, not us. He can use us, though, but lemme just tell ya, this sixteen-year-old girl is not the answer to humanity's cry for a savior. It's funny just thinking about it- the fate of the world being on the shoulders of someone who can barely remember what to do at a four-way stop and how to parallel park. hahaha. Yepp, mankind would be in deep trouble.

As I was praying tonight, I saw the faces of so many people in my life that needed to experience the love of Christ as I've seen it.

I've been thinking a lot lately that I'm not doing enough, that not enough African children are being touched by my work, or not enough people in jail cells are hearing about a freedom beyond the physical because of me, and I see now that God hasn't called me to do that... yet. God has called us all to our own little mission fields and, until we're done at places like high school, for example, we're not going to places like AFRICA.

I guess to be faithful with the little I am given can just mean praying for that kid in math class that has no friends. Or actually doing something about that kid I see crying in the hallway every other day. They may not be hungry like the African child I want to feed, but they have a pain and a deeper hunger that only Jesus can alleviate. We can pray for opportunities and boldness to seize them. I have a deep passion for places, specifically Africa (I'm not just saying that), but I see now that you can't just jump from your ABCs to writing a full-on essay in life or with God and, honestly, some of the people here are more broken than an African child will ever be, even without the privileges we have. It's because the SOUL is more important than anything, and a lost soul is a lost soul. I'll leave you with two things tonight:

1) You could be changing your world. Maybe not THE world, but your world, certainly...and that would be more than enough.

2) Jesus promised
           the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If only you could see!!

It's about that time, folks. That time where I get beat-up, bruised and kicked around. Last night, I gave up. And now I'm trying again, haha. We lie to God saying things like, "I'm done!" Well, I've mentioned this before, but it's not like I'm gonna wake up the next morning without His mercy. Yeah, right. And I knew that. I've known that. It's funny how we struggle with the same things until we get it right. But I'm not far gone. Actually, if it were up to me, I'm sure I am, but God is faithful... Even when I cant be. He's a good God & a loving, merciful father. Anyway. I've found that a lot of the things I go through everyone else is going through anyway. Also, God doesn't like whining, so it's about time I used my mouth & my thoughts for praise. Otherwise, I can just hush up. It's hard, I believe it. Yesterday I just sat on the stairs just so... Everything. While I think I'm special enough in my brain to have this happen to me & no one else on the planet, there are tons of people going through the same thing & worse. But, what about Jesus? He carried that cross... I know that was hard. I'm not trying to say my problems aren't worthy of God's attention (he cares), but I shouldn't think he doesn't understand. Tired? I'm sure Jesus was tired in the wilderness. Anxious? Check Jesus out the night before His death. Betrayed? Jesus was hanging in front of the people once screaming "hosanna," now yelling, "crucify him!" anyway. Victory is yours, but will you praise in the process? The trials we face directly correlate to the traits we ask from
God. So, if you want to trust God, you'll probably be put in situations where you'll have the option not to.

I've resolved for the day that ICANDOALLTHINGS.... through HIM who gives me strength.

Have a great day, I know I'm determined to.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

You're going to have a big family, Abraham!

       Happy (almost) Easter, everybody! I'm sorry I don't have more to say on the subject but that Jesus' death and resurrection should give us TONS of hope in situations we would otherwise find hopeless.
         I know that sometimes, as humans, we get what we expect. (duh, Emnet!) I would try to find a more clever way to phrase what I'm trying to say, but that's kind of the fact of life that I'm seeing here. We get what we expect. We get what we expect, and what we get is what we got. For instance, when I don't eat breakfast, I can expect to daydream my way through third period because I just want to go to lunch. See what I mean? I get what I expect. I get hungry when I don't eat, and I don't expect myself to focus easily. If I don't sleep the entire night, I'm not surprised later that I haven't been able to stay awake throughout the day.
         I know there are varying factors, but you see my point. I'm just trying to say that we oftentimes see what we've done, and we can predict the consequences of our actions. We simply expect what we deserve. I think that's one of the reasons why we feel so let down when we make deals with people and they don't hold up their end: we feel like we deserved it. We feel like we deserve a good grade when we stay up all night studying, and we feel like we deserve allowance when we do our chores. Or whatever. It's a prediction of the consequence we feel as though we're entitled to because of our actions.
       But now I'm gonna play the grace card. The one I've talked about in former posts, and the one that God introduces in my life so unexpectedly that I'm left in awe. The one that flips things upside-down for me and makes things OK to be "unfair." Grace is a confusing thing, and I'll never fully understand it. It's one of those things where you're in science class thinking of anything but science, and your mind has time to wander,  and you wonder what it's all about. It's something you think you have figured out after one sermon, but then are perplexed again after reading your bible the next night. It's something that confuses you in theory and stuns you in practice.
        The grace card is something God pulls on me in life when I'm just so down on myself, so beat-up and tired that I'm just expecting what I deserve and bracing myself for the worst, and God just shows up out of seemingly nowhere and gives me hope that I shouldn't have. Hope I shouldn't even dare to long for.
       God's a God of the imperfect, but He's also a God of the hopeless.
        There are times in my life when I've completely eliminated grace, and think I have it coming, then He comes to my rescue. And, for a girl who has a hard time forgiving herself, I'm not good at taking what I believe I don't deserve. It's like, you beat a kid up at recess, and your teacher gives YOU an ice cream cone for saying sorry. It doesn't even make sense, but that's God and Jesus. I beat Him up on the cross (Good Friday), and I got the ice cream cone of abundant life  I don't deserve on Easter. I just had to say sorry. Because of this grace He's given us, we are put in a position where we should hope in times of hopelessness. I don't know if that is good use of English to explain my point, but I'm sayin that, when you're down on your knees with nowhere to look but up, you can expect mercy. I mean - the bible tells me so:
           Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
           I can expect grace. It's not even called being unfair anymore, it's called faith. You can believe in God's promises, like that of Hebrews 4:16, and not because we earned it in some fashion or another, but because Jesus earned it for us. It's absolutely just and completely unfair. It's how God balances out His loving aspect with His merciful aspect. (Only a God as cool as ours can make His mercy and justice work in our favor - He loves us so much He chose to hurt Himself and only Himself in the process. Happy Easter to THAT!)
          Anyyhoowww. I was really questioning my ability to handle life itself when God threw this verse at me:
           When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, "You're going to have a big family, Abraham!"
 - Romans 4:18
         The entire world, just like Abraham, found itself in a predicament of hopelessness some thousand years ago when Jesus swept in and saved the day. Those who had faith were those who saw not what they could do, but what God could do to save them. I mean, without faith, would you be able to believe a promise as ridiculous as the one God promised Abraham? Like, GOD. I'M OLD. but no. You're not too old because you serve the author of time, He can do anything He wants with you and if you want Him to He can help you (ha! that rhymed!). 
         It's really easy for me to look at the world sometimes and expect what I deserve, but now is the best time to put on some faith goggles and see an eternal side to things...Yes, I'm frustrated, and yes, I have a lot I have to deal with...but I have grace, and I'm not going to get what I deserve because I'm gonna ask in faith for different. I'm gonna boldly go to the throne of grace and ask for what I was promised instead of what I was expecting. If God tells me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, then I believe I can. Even the things I think I shouldn't be able to without fully earning. 
         I'm not promoting laziness or anything like that, but when I fall short, I'm learning to let God pull me forward as I need it. (can you just imagine yourself falling down as a little kid and then having God come pick you up and sit you down in a little red wagon and pull you along?). And sometimes I really need it. 
       There's a song I love where at the end it's God talking to someone saying: 
 "Now have faith in what you hope for and not in what you see 
Believe in what I say to you and keep your eyes on Me 
Don't doubt what I can do, I love you just like that."

             God is love. He loves me, He loves you, and He's on our side. He's on our team. He's rooting for us cuz we're HIS players. He'll call a timeout if we need one, even when we don't think we deserve it...and you know what He deserves? A whole lotta' love. 

Enjoy this song &  give the King of Hope a great, big "thank you" this Easter. I love you guys, and I hope this somehow in someway reminds you of how much you love God. Have a blessed Easter Sunday! I know I will :) 


Saturday, April 16, 2011


If my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.


I had an entire page written on this that accidentally got deleted, so I guess this is all the blog post for today was meant to say.

Pray like your life depends on it. Because it does.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My God? The Earth is His Footstool.

I don't really know what to say. I always have lots to say, but not really in a logical sequence or ordering or, I don't know.
A lot of the answers I've been giving to life and it's various questions and problems have been, "I don't know." And, for the first time in a long time, I'm quite okay with that. I don't know what I'm trying to say right now, nor do I mind very much because I'm just obeying orders.
I know that God was the one who inspired me to get this blog started or re-started, if you will, and I also know that He doesn't want me to have all the answers at one time so, maybe after I start writing, I'll have a coherent and somewhat inspiring or interesting or something to s o m e o n e blog post written. If not, maybe I'll learn from it something I've never known before. Either way, I'm not gonna sweat it.
I've been wrestling the past few months of my life (as you may have noticed) with the question "why?" and trying to answer it in terms of an almighty God. I've thought long and hard, and I've come to conclude that God is who He is and I am who I am to worship Him. I've come up with a lot more conclusions than that, but that is among the many. I know that He's in charge, and I'm okay with not knowing all the answers. I just am now. It's like a complete release and all these things I've thought about or worried about have been completely taken off of my mind and my heart and handed to God so that all I have to worry about is Him and pleasing Him.
All His characteristics make me so okay with not knowing. The more I've struggled to find the answer to my "why?" question, the more I've realized that God is good, loving, all-knowing, eternal, merciful, and patient. This all leads me back to just letting go of everything. I mean, why not? I'm in the arms of an excellent mind and a very biggggg God. The earth is His footstool.... With gas prices these days, I'm sure we've all been understanding distance and just how far things can actually be. Think about this in terms of GOD. He's all the distance in the world, but that's nothing for Him. All I gotta say is "dangg," in a very teenage and awestruck way.
A lot of the time, my mind will freeze up when it comes to thinking about what to write in a blog post. When I come to blog just because it seems like a good idea, I have nothing to say... yet. It's almost like I'm experiencing something, and I know what I want to get at, but no words will come to mind for me to say them. It's at the end of a new experience or a new lesson learned that God's like, "okay, go ahead and tell em about this part," or "you can talk it out on here."
I've noticed that I'll go long periods of time without blogging much (not that long, really), and then EVERYTHING  will just get blurted out in one, biggg, longgg, post. They must be a drag to read in a rush.
But the importance of realizing who our God is comes from our need to serve Him. We have to know who our boss is to know what exactly He wants us to do. I want so desperately to do what God wants in my life that I just want to get to know more of Him on a daily basis. For instance, today I recovered some hidden truths about God and today's religious lies. Tomorrow, I want to learn more. I don't know what I'll be learning because I haven't gotten there yet, and that's a good thing... because then there'd be no point...
 God does things in His timing the way He does them for a reason. I pray, "YOUR will be done, Lord," because His will is good, pleasing, and perfect. Mine, on the other hand, not-so-much.
 I love God, and when you finish reading this, I hope you'll love Him a little more too. If not, that's okay, because He's so lovable it doesn't matter if a post by little, ol' me didn't do no good for you. God is who He is, and I'm trusting Him with absolutely everything in my life.
One final thing before I leave for a bit (maybe not), I hope this made sense, and I'll leave you with something God's left me.
Think about all the times you've asked God why something had to happen in your life, all those times you've regretted past mistakes and wished you could go back and stop yourself from making them. Now, answer this question in response to you asking God why.
Why not?

Think what good would have been prevented had that one thing not happened. I hope you understand from this that, bit by bit, God is the one planning out the pieces of all of our lives, and He knows what He's doing. I trust Him way more than I have before, and that's saying a lot. Hopefully you've gained a little more eternal perspective on life and its sometimes random occurrences. byyeeeeeeee now.

ps. donchya think cell phone and facebook addictions have gone TOO far?? Random, but increasingly on my mind. I hope you could read that, I'm not used to staying up this late this week, so I am writing veryy sleeppppppppppiilllyyyy.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Looking for yourself out there?

I don't know how much any of you wants to read this. I didn't intend for this to become a blog post, and I know I can get really long in my blog posts, but EVERYTHING that had been on my mind lately had been spilled out in this, so it's extra-specially long. Here it goes, my completely spontaneous, random, and somewhat heartfelt post. I wrote it at one in the morning after waking up randomly so, Uhh, yeah. 

 I think things in my life are about to change. I don't know why, all I know is I keep having flashbacks of scenes from what I think might soon be "life as I once knew it." 

I'm remembering driving passed a carnival on a Sunday night with my parents and the sunset in the background and them deciding to stop by, and old schoolmates. I'm remembering ordering pizza on our front porch with my mother, going to graduation parties, my trip to Ethiopia, and the way my family and I would watch "The Cosby Show" and "Full House" together. I remember the day my brother was born, and all the fun and crazy times I've had with my cousins. I go through my best friend's birthday parties and play scenes of prayer conferences my parents have dragged me to in my head. I think of school, recess in elementary school, coming inside after being in the hot sun, and having "fun Fridays" where we'd have pizza and orange sorbet ice cream in fifth grade. I also remembered my first day of middle school, how the sun shone above the hallway windows,  what I wore, who I met, and gossiping with my friends along the way. I learned a lot about life, but I learned a lot academically too, and I think I was inspired by people without even knowing it. I recall running away from kids chasing me in capture the flag as we played in the streets right before the sunset, and making up dance moves to a Cheetah Girl's song in my neighbor's garage. I think of all my passed summers, sunsets, and trips. I remember going to California, and I think of my first day of high school. I remember when I wanted to be a psychiatrist, just like my uncle, and when I would watch Arthur in my old bedroom with the sun setting in the background because it was a Sunday night and my sister was too young for me to play with that late and there was nothing to do. I remember my few fights with my best friend, and I remember watching Caillou on my big screen t.v when we were seven. I remember being the first ones up with my little sister in our new house (new 8 years ago, of course), and the sun rising behind us, and I remember the first time I listened to Brook Fraser. I remember the Hillsong United concert I went to, and way before that hearing "Desert Song" and crying because of how much that applied to my life, and I remember Brooke Fraser singing it then, too. I remember my dad buying my sister and I scooters for Valentine's day (so random, haha). I remember joining and being in my elementary school worship team, and all the worship teams to follow, and I remember the standing outside reading a book to get a head start on my homework while I waited for my mom to come pick me up from school (usually 5-10 minutes late). I remember watching Disney Channel with my sister, and when I started and, soon after, quit piano lessons. I remember church conferences I would go to, and I remember eating ice cream on the fourth of July. I remember the specific brands of food I'd buy at Cotsco with my parents, and my big fight I got with them on the way home one time. I remember many people eating lunch or dinner with us or staying the night at our house because they were missionaries just passing through, and I rememeber when little girls from Uganda stayed at our house for a few days with their choir. I remember all the stories these people would tell, and I remember letting other people stay in our house because they needed someone to help them while they got on their own two feet. Even in my first memories  to just recently, people my parents once knew or met who needed help were always more than welcome to stay at our house. I remember thinking that was normal, and that everyone did it, I also remember being surrounded by a community of people who did do it, maybe not as often as my family, but they did. I remember all the stupid arguments I'd get into with people, and all the times I regretted saying something I shouldn't have. I remember my first time straightening my hair by myself, and going to Arizona for my cousin's wedding-- the first CLOSE family member I've witnessed getting married. I also remember flying to Canada with my cousin and meeting our uncle and his family whom we hadn't seen in eight or nine years before that. Well, me at least. I remember getting my ipod nano, how upset i was when my brother broke my ipod touch, and getting my iphone 4 for my birthday when i turned 16 and feeling the need to update the entire world about it via facebook. I remember worshipping in the OLD, OLD gym of my uncle's church and singing "I walk by faith, each step, by faith," and doing dances during VBS to a song that goes "This is a good, good life, God loves me, this I know," and I remember  chuckling on stage during my fourth grade play practice. I remember meeting people I was so attracted to because of their bold opinions, and wishing I could decide what I believed like that, and soon after realizing I wasnt that opinionated.

I could go on and on, and I kind of already have, but my life has just been playing like a movie or video montage in my head, and I don't know what to do with all theses memories or why I have them here. Yeah, certain instances remind you of stuff from your childhood, but this has been all I can even THINK about. 
Anyway, I can't think of why 
else all my life would be running through my head CONSTANTLY if something new wasn't about to happen, or if change wasn't about to be introduced to my life. Recently, I've had songs playing in my head saying "these things will change" or "things are gonna change." I know they mean the same thing, but they've come out of different songs, and in several ways. I mean, I could be dead wrong. I could just simply be bored and have all these thoughts come to my mind (although that's not what I usually think about), and I could just be coming to a random and totally off point conclusion about all this, or maybe God just wants me to think of all the things that have shaped me.

 I'm thinking about my life and all it's been thus far, and I realize that so much of it has grown to make me think the way I do about a lot of things, and made me like the things I like now, and desire the things I desire now. 

I see God all over it, and it's not to say I was chasing God that entire time, because I think that God, lately especially, says to me "I've wanted you more than you want me." And it just makes so much sense that He does that. Because, at this point, I've been so frustrated with where I've wanted to be and what I've wanted in life that I felt like I was pursuing God more than He cared to show up for me. And I'm realizing that I'm dead wrong. I think I've given up a lot because I've thought 'why bother when I'm the only one that cares,' because a lot of things for me have been taking longer than I've wanted, like  a lot of the dreams I want to start pursuing. 

 Something I've noticed in my life is that, through all the scenes (except a few), I can mostly remember the sun being a part of them. Whether it be sunset, sunrise, or simply standing in the middle of the day, the sun is always silently present in my memories. I remember when I watched Arthur without my sister, it was significant because it was a sunny day and I could have been outside playing with someone. 

I've been overwhelmed with my whole life story, and I think it's because God's been telling me this: that, just like the sun, He's been there watching my entire life. Not only that, but He's fostered it, just like the sun does to life on Earth. He's protected me, taught me, guided me, and revealed Himself to me that entire time, making me the believer I am today.

For some, their lives have affected their personalities but, for me, my life has affected my Christianity. I can't remember not being conscious of God during my life. He's always been knowledge for me, always there in the back of my mind and so... So... Present. 

I accepted Christ when I was VERY little, and probably even before that because this is just the farthest I can remember. I know my parents read me bible stories from before I was four, and I even remember the setting of some story time. I know that I didn't ever doubt God existed before accepting Christ in my life, only after I said "yes, come in," did I experience doubt that came from what the world threw at me. I even remember the image I had in my mind when I thought about what it looked like to have Jesus "knocking on my heart," and then wanting to bust the door open and tell Him to come in and sit down with 

 Nobody asked me to write out my life story and, frankly, I've never believed anyone's cared. I still don't completely, but God tells me "I give you your worth."  I don't know why I'm even up right now, seeing as I've been asleep for 6 hours and just woke up at 1 am to a dark house and no alarm clock, I just kinda woke up. It's three in the morning now, and, I have no one to talk to but God, and I think that He wanted me to write this all out. I started praying and the scenes and the feeling wouldn't stop, so I started telling Him about them and decided to keep track on the notes app on my iPhone. I even went back an entire year or more in facebook posts a few days ago and just read through what I was doing at this time in 2009. I also went through my 100 notes I've left on my iPhone since September of this year, and thought about the hundreds I had written in my iPod touch all last year before it broke and I lost it. 

Anyway, I see God's hand so much over my life, that I feel convicted for even thinking I cared more or had to wait on God when, in reality, He's been waiting on ME. He's planned out my whole life and was waiting for me to even realize my goals before I got to this point of being annoyed at the fact that they are taking so long to reach. I've been so angry that it's taking so long for everything to just be fixed, when God's been waiting for His plan to carry out in my life for SIXTEEN YEARS. Wait, scratch that. He's been waiting for way before that, He tells me He knew me before He formed me in my mother's womb. That's a long time, and I'm upset at the way things are for me; I've had to wait months. Please. 

It's almost not fair. It's not fair to God that He waits patiently for however long and I get angry with Him for staying somewhat silent on my matter for months. I remember that two years ago I had a rough time, and I'd cry a lot to God about something I didn't understand why had to happen to me and seriously no one else. One day, I came home from school after something stupid. My grade in math slipped to a B after getting a bad grade on a test because I didnt have enough time to finish it; I spent too much time on one problem. My mom walked into my room asking what was wrong, and I just started bawling, "it's not fair! It's not fair, it's never fair for me!" And, I'll tell you this, my mom was pretty confused. I was talking about EVERYTHING. My entire year was described in that one moment of honesty: it's. not. fair. Sure, some of the things that were happening to me instead of others truly weren't fair in the sense of equality, but I look back and God used EVERYTHING in that year to bring me to where I am now, and none of it was fair. I think more and more now, whenever I say something's "not fair" to God (which I've been doing a lot lately), it's normally something He's using to shape and mold me: something He really wants me to learn from. That night, I was sitting next to my mom by the fireplace, and she told me, "you know why life's not fair? Because it can't be. If life were fair, we wouldn't have grace, that's why it's good that sometimes we don't get what we deserve." And I knew she knew I was referring to more than just that math test. 

I think of all the ways my life isn't fair, and I'm glad now. I'm glad because I am called to be holy as He is holy, and I'm realizing that nothing with Jesus was fair.

Jesus had to wait THIRTY- THREE YEARS to reach His destiny. He knew what was coming, and He couldn't just get it over with. He stayed, taught, and healed while He waited on Earth and traded His comfy throne for our crusty planet. That wasn't fair. It's not fair that the King's son would die for all the flaws of His subjects- it doesn't even make sense! It kind of gives a reason to my "why?" questioning.   

I was in my athletic training class the other day and my teacher was talking about care and prevention of wounds, half-upset at God for the entire "not fair" deal when, out of nowhere, I felt God ask, "who cared for my wounds? Who took care of me?" I'm sure He was talking about Jesus on the cross. All of us sinners get our wounds taken care of when He didn't, He never did, and His were far worse- they pierced THROUGH His skin. That's not fair. Unfair events in the lives of believers lead to glory, just like they did in Jesus' life. 

No wonder I call this man my hero. He took it all for me.

Btw, check out the song "Invasion (Hero)" by Trip Lee, it's my absolute favorite (on a different level than Brooke Fraser's, of course).

Anyway, my entire life story proves that I'm a change in the making, and He's walking me to something great, even though I don't really like this process of walking through it.

I'm learning to drive but I'm in the permit stage, if you will. Notice all the driving references I've been making? I'm getting my license soon, that's why. 

God's not through with me yet.

"This is redemption's story, 
 with every step that I'm taking,
I'm closer to who I'm meant to be.
This is me under construction. This is my pride being broke. Everyday I'm closer to who I'm meant to be.
I'm a change in the making"

Friday, February 25, 2011

From the dawn of history, You make right and You redeem.

There's a lot that can be said when describing God. He's holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, eternal, caring, and the list goes on. I heard it once said that God is like your best friend, but take all the  qualities found in each of your friends and magnify it by a bunch, and that's God. Except, only the good qualities. Like, you know that one friend that always has a tendency to overlook it when people do harm to them? Or your friend that is ALWAYS there when you need someone to talk to? Or, I like this one, what about that person that makes you laugh when you have absolutely no intention of doing so? That's God, but more than ten times more.
We don't always understand it, nor do we have to, because it doesn't change who God is. C.S Lewis said that "a man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." I'm finding this to be so true. Take J-Lo, for instance (I think that's how you write her nickname). She's rich, right? I mean, she must have a big house and some odd number of cars or something like that. And, glory, by definition, can be "a state of prosperity." This is only one definition though. If you don't think she's a good singer or a talented actress or a good Judge on American Idol, does this make her any less rich? NO. It just means that you don't like her, but you can't take her "glory" away by doing so. You just can't.
It's the same way with God, only we can't even begin to understand His description, so we can't imagine HIS glory, or even what people worship Him for.I think that's something God's reassuring me of, the fact that I can't change Him; He is who He is, and He just is. He's just God because He's God, and He's just good because He's good. I don't have to understand it, that's just the way it is. It's like, you have that one friend that you can never reason with them about why they do certain things, but they do it just because they're them. You know? Your one friend that carries hot sauce around in their pocket, or the one that always comes to class late. You can't give a reasonable explanation for either, but you just attribute it to the fact that that's who they are, it's their character.
I think God's been telling me a lot lately to just take things for what they are: they just are. Not the bad things, but just His things. Where I'm at in my life, I feel like I need an explanation for everything. Whether it's because I've had to explain myself a lot or have been doubted, I'm not sure, but I know I've been asking God to do the explaining for me. In Jeremiah 1:5, God tells Jeremiah,
       "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
And, that's the same for you, Emnet, God's been saying. And, just because I fail to recognize it, doesn't mean God is ever going to stop carrying out His plan for my life. Just because I ask "why?" and find a lot of things to be beyond pointless ( I seriously do, it's a problem. I can't do something now for no reason, I have to know why I'm doing it-- kind of like the Greeks in art history), that doesn't mean they really are. It's a beautiful thing because, God, knowing me before I was born or even in my mother's womb (SUCH a weird thought), has already mapped out my life for His glory, just like He did for Jeremiah.
Just because I don't see it sometimes, it doesn't mean that I can diminish His glory. No. When you're destined to have something, you are bound to have it happen. When you get in a car and push the accelerator, you're bound to move.
That's the same with my life. When God gets in that car, and you let Him drive, He makes it so that, even if life gets you all crazy sometimes and you're scribbling 'nevermind! Give me back the keys!' on the car window, you can't put out the Son. Sometimes I am that lunatic trying to write 'darkness' all over my life's cell to put out the sun like C.S Lewis said, but I can't diminish God's glory anyhow. Thank God, too. I'm glad that this teenage girl, barely reaching an acceptable height for society, can do no harm to alter God's plan. I've had this conversation with a lot of different people, and I think I'm beginning to find that no, I cannot step out of God's will for my life... I think...It's still a LONG debated question I have, but, the point is, there's a song by Addison Road, and at one part she says "from the dawn of history, You make right and You redeem." And, that's right. That's just what God does. It's part of His rep. His STORY. History shows over and over again that, for the people He calls His, God maps out each success and victory to someday build to His glory, and their losses too. He's just GOD and He just CAN. He's that... smart. It never fails to amaze me how my details can lead to something so much bigger. He's creative, He saw us way before whenever, and He knew what He was doing, even when He saw that you didn't.

Scribble away, friends, there's nothing you can do.

"Even when we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."

So many times this verse has brought me comfort. Just because I've been doubting (aka, losing faith in) so much of His plan for me, that doesn't change who He is--- FAITHFUL.